Brant Menswar - Being Unique

Brant Menswar emphasizes the importance of identifying one’s authentic core values, referred to as “black sheep values,” as a foundation for effective leadership and personal purpose. Brant Menswar is a core values activist, former rock star, and one of the nation’s leading speakers. Passionate, engaging, and transformational, Brant encourages audiences to uncover their “black sheep values” and move forward with deliberate intention. His interactive and entertaining techniques for defining what truly matters inspire audiences to dive deeper into their lives and start living with purpose.


  • 🎤 Coach Hughes introduces Brant Menswar, highlighting their mutual connections and shared passion for leadership.

  • 📚 Brant’s book, “Black Sheep,” emphasizes authenticity and the value of embracing individual uniqueness.

  • 🌟 Core values serve as the foundation for both personal and organizational success, guiding decision-making and culture.

  • 🧭 Discovering non-negotiable values allows individuals to live with purpose and intention in their lives.

  • 🔄 Many organizations fail by imposing values that don’t resonate with employees, leading to disengagement.

  • 💡 Real leadership involves helping others identify their unique contributions to enhance team dynamics.

  • 🎧 The “Thoughts That Rock” podcast features insights from various leaders, emphasizing the impact of advice on personal growth.

Key Insights

  • 🌈 Authenticity Matters: Embracing and understanding one’s core values leads to a more fulfilling and authentic life. People thrive when they are true to themselves.

  • 💪 Purpose Over Preference: Purpose is not found but chosen. Identifying non-negotiable values is essential to crafting a life of intention and resilience.

  • 📈 Value Alignment: Organizations need to align their values with employees’ personal values to foster engagement and commitment, avoiding the pitfalls of imposed values.

  • 🎯 Deliberate Intention: Living on purpose requires deliberate actions aligned with one’s values, ensuring that every choice propels individuals toward their goals.

  • 🐑 The Black Sheep Concept: Being a “Black Sheep” signifies originality and authenticity, highlighting that true uniqueness should be celebrated, not stifled.

  • 🗣️ Communication is Key: Frequent and meaningful communication about values and purpose within organizations is crucial for cultivating a thriving culture.

  • 📆 Regular Reflection: Individuals should regularly assess and reflect on their values to ensure they remain aligned with their purpose and adapt as necessary for growth.


Michael Hyatt - Managing Self


Matt Lisle - Better Everyday