Be An Accountable Leader

Accountability is one of the most fundamental qualities of a great leader.  So, what does it mean to be accountable? 

As the leader, you take direct responsibility for your actions and the actions of those you lead.  Being accountable also means being actionable and staying focused on a "clear," concise goal. We must be accountable for what we must do and include the things that do not get done.

An Accountable Leader is:

  • Responsible

  • Performance Driven

  • Consistent

  • Confident

  • Humble

  • A Problem Solver

  • An Encourager

An accountable leader builds trust within their organization. They understand that accountability and trust are interdependent- accountability breeds trust, and trust fosters accountability. This mutual relationship can significantly impact the company's growth.

To be fully accountable

Leaders must set clear expectations for their team to allow accountability and commitment to grow. You also need to have courage. Courage can help maintain accountability by encouraging leaders to take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

Accountability means growing, sustaining, and maintaining great habits.  

It's the key to unlocking your potential and achieving your goals.

Will you be a dream maker or a dream breaker?  

It is said that success breeds success, so never say that something can not be done.  Nurture the habits that break through the lines of the impossible and make the impossible possible. 

"Accountability separates the wishers in life from the action-takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions."  John Lemme

So, how will you live an accountable life as a leader? 

  • Will you be a "wisher" in your organization or take action?  

  • Will you breathe accountability?  

  • Will you continue to lead your team effectively with a "clear," concise growth goal in mind?

Start today! Don't wait for tomorrow. Stay consistent, empowered, vigilant, and accountable. Embrace this empowerment that comes with accountability, and let's continue to grow as leaders together!

quotes: Values & Core Competencies | FarWell Careers. results – Mist Fusion.


Discipline, Dedication, and Desire


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